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Tag: Property Overseas

03 Jun
Brick lane with flowers in an Italian hill town. international property summit

How To Hold Property Overseas

How should one hold property overseas? That’s a regular question at conferences… especially my International Property Summit event each year. The best option depends on the person, the property, and the country where the property is located… and even what funds you’re using for the investment. Use IRA funds and, generally speaking, you should set [...]
31 Aug
Jungbusch, Mannheim, Germany

Using A 1031 Like-Kind Exchange When Investing In Property Overseas

How And When To Defer Capital Gains Tax Using A 1031 Like-Kind Exchange At recent conferences, several attendees have asked about using a 1031 like-kind exchange to move capital overseas. Specifically, they wanted to sell investment property in the United States and use the proceeds to invest offshore. A 1031 like-kind exchange is an IRS [...]
25 Feb
Beach property in Latin America

Comparing Property Prices In Latin America’s Top Markets

The beach resort of Santa Marta, Colombia, wins the prize for biggest price drop in 2015. Properties in this popular seaside getaway fell from US$2,091 per square meter last year to US$1,032 at the start of 2016… a drop of more than 50%. Values in Santa Marta actually increased in Colombian peso terms, but the […]

16 Nov
New Property Investment Service Launches Today

New Property Investment Service Launching

Tomorrow we’re publishing the first issue of my newest advisory service, Global Property Advisor (GPA). I’ve written and edited many global property investment services. This is the best. First, because it reflects my now more than 20 years of experience. Second, because it is being launched at the start of the current Golden Age of […]

12 Nov
Global Property Investing During This Golden Age

Global Property Investing During This Golden Age

Before the 2008 global crisis, when real estate prices collapsed in many markets, everyone thought real estate values could only go up. Then, in a flash, values dropped by 50% and more in Spain, Ireland, Nicaragua, Greece, some U.S. markets, and beyond. Any market that relied either on foreign (especially U.S.) buyers or on aggressive […]

29 Jun
Top Real Estate Investment Opportunities For 2013

Euro-Dollar Exchange Rate And Greece Debt Crisis Implications For Purchasing Property Denominated In Euros

I don’t try to predict currency exchange rates. I pay attention to them in property markets where I’m active or interested in investing, but I don’t attempt to time property purchases to them except in extraordinary circumstances. Timing a currency investment is different than trying to time a real estate investment according to currency fluctuations. […]

22 Jun
Panoramica Centro De Medellin

Top Seven Global Property Investment Markets For 2015

I spent a week in the Dominican Republic earlier this month, scouting property opportunities and hosting our Live and Invest in the Dominican Republic Conference. The DR is one of the most interesting property markets in the world right now. It’s also a dichotomy, offering very different kinds of property investment options. Punta Cana, for […]

08 Jun
Politesse For Investors Abroad

How To Protect Against Currency Fluctuations When Living And Investing Overseas

This week two readers have written to ask about currency risk when moving overseas. One was concerned about moving to a U.S. dollar-denominated destination from the U.K.; the other was wondering about moving to Portugal from the United States. These readers’ concerns about currency exchange fluctuations are valid. A retiree on a fixed income could […]

19 Mar
how to invest overseas

How And Where To Invest In Property Overseas

“Any overseas property investment you make should be safe, simple, enjoyable, and profitable…” –Jeff Matthews at this week’s Global Property Summit Why would you want to buy a piece of real estate overseas? That’s where we began the discussions during the opening presentations for Lief Simon’s Global Property Summit, taking place this week in the […]