Welcome to Offshore Living Letter, Your #1 Resource for Offshore Diversification


Offshore Living Letter Legal Notice

We Don't Provide Investment Advice

Lief Simon does not provide any personal investment advice, as he’s not a registered financial advisor. Seek professional counsel for any investment opportunities mentioned in this e-letter and do your own due diligence.

Lief Simon does offer tax advice and was an Enrolled Agent with the IRS (until his certificate of enrollment expired in 2013). Being an Enrolled Agent means you can represent clients in front of the IRS because you passed a test. The test isn’t easy, but it doesn’t mean you know anything about preparing U.S. tax returns. Still Lief passed the test, and, in fact, years ago, back during his U.S. working life, Lief did prepare tax returns for a living, both corporate and personal.

If you have questions or feedback on the material you read in the Offshore Living Letter, you can send an email to CustomerService@offshorelivingletter.com. Someone will respond if they can, but, remember, this is a free e-letter service, not a free consulting service. We receive hundreds of e-mails a day, and responding is a courtesy, not an obligation. No communication with any Live and Invest Overseas employee should be considered personal investment advice. None of them, including Lief Simon, are licensed to provide investment advice.

Also, Lief may be invested in specific markets or real estate opportunities that he writes about. Live and Invest Overseas may also have marketing agreements in place with certain real estate opportunities that are mentioned in these e-letters.

And, remember, this stuff is copyrighted.

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