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Category: Citizenship

11 Jul
Karyatides statues, Erehtheio, on the Acropolis in Athens, Greece

Do Europe’s Golden Visas Make Sense?

Recently, a reader wrote to me to ask whether she should buy property in Greece to qualify for residency under its golden visa program. She was considering the golden visa because she wanted more time in the Schengen Area than her U.S. passport allows (90 days in any 180-day period), but she had questions because [...]
08 Jul
The cowboy who tamed horses at sunset

Finding Freedom, Opportunity, And Your Fortune

Americans used to be the great movers of the world. Think of the pioneers who settled the West… traveling thousands of miles with nothing just to find a place where they could truly live free, far from the Old World governments that kept them down… looking for new opportunities on new lands because opportunities had [...]
28 Mar
Reine, Lofoten, Norway. The village of Reine under a sunny, blue sky, with the typical rorbu houses.

Where Is The Best Place To Escape To In A Crisis?

The existence of so many independent “nation states” across the world… “countries” the way we think of them today… is a relatively new phenomenon in history. The idea that every ethnic or social group should have its own independent national government and geographical homeland… this idea has been very successful in the last century. But [...]
01 Feb
Montevideo, Uruguay, port. The port of Montevideo is the main commercial port of Uruguay

Safety, Stability, Easy Residency, And More…

Can “boring” actually be good? There’s an old Chinese curse: “May you live in interesting times.” Such “interesting times” are fascinating to historians but they’re not much fun to experience first-hand…. They’re times of war, drought, plagues, and famine. It might also be a curse to live in an “interesting” country. The kinds of countries [...]
15 Jan

The Land Of Promise

You know I’ve been bullish on Panama for years. Long-term, Panama will be one of the main global business hubs, competing with Singapore and Dubai… All in all, Panama is a country where you should consider “planting a flag.” Panama uses the U.S. dollar, so you won’t get any currency diversification, but for many people [...]
20 Nov
Scandinavian Mountains, Norway. global crisis

A “Way Out” From Global Crisis

Are you looking for a “way out”? With everything that’s going on in the world… war in the Middle East… war in Ukraine… seemingly endless political dysfunction in the United States… we could all be forgiven for wanting an escape. I’m not talking about a vacation… I’m talking about a “bolthole” where you feel safe. [...]
30 Aug
US Capitol and American waving flag. second passport

Your Ultimate, Get-Out-Of-Dodge Plan B

OK. I’ll do it. I don’t like to write here about every twist and turn in the U.S. news… I don’t usually even like to watch the U.S. news. But readers are always asking me for my thoughts on the latest things happening back home… And the viral hit “Rich Men North Of Richmond” has [...]
07 Aug
Paradise Beach At Soufriere Bay With View To Piton At Small Town Soufriere In Saint Lucia.

An Industry Insider Advises… Your Best Citizenship-By-Investment Options Right Now

The world of citizenship by investment is changing fast… Just last month, the U.K. government stopped visa-free travel for citizens of Vanuatu and Dominica—after what the British Home Secretary called “clear and evident abuse” of the citizenship-by-investment (CBI) scheme. This has had a knock-on effect in the industry, with at least one CBI nation doubling [...]