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Category: Taxes

27 Jun
Treasury Department building in Washington, DC trump biden

Are Taxes A Reason To Go Offshore?

The stage is set. Tonight, Trump and Biden face off in the first of two slated debates. Taxes look set to feature high on the agenda. Trump wants to extend all the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 provisions which are set to expire next year. Depending on who you listen to, that could [...]
30 May
Spanish Square in Seville, Spain

What You Need To Know About Taxes In Spain

Spain is my favorite country in Europe, and it has a lot to offer investors and expats. But for years, I resisted Spain because of the high taxes—especially its tax approach to potential rental income. And there was some merit to that. Taxes in Spain are a serious consideration if you’re thinking of moving here. [...]
06 May
Mexico, Colorful buildings and streets of San Miguel de Allende in Zona Centro of historic city center

My #1 Wealth Building Strategy

If you purchase a piece of real estate in another country, should you have the ownership documents issued in your name or, perhaps, in the name of a corporation? If a corporation, should it be a local company (formed in the jurisdiction where you’re purchasing) or one based somewhere else? I get these questions from [...]
15 Feb

The Biggest Year Of Voting In Global History

In 1789, Founding Father Benjamin Franklin wrote a letter to French physicist Jean-Baptiste Leroy. It contained a line that outlived both men and will likely still be around when you and I are long gone… “The only two certainties in life are death and taxes.” Now, far be it from me to factcheck The First [...]
12 Feb
Hands filling US tax form. Culculating and payment of taxes concept

Don’t Fall For These 5 Tax Myths

There are plenty of advantages to living (and investing) overseas when it comes to your U.S. taxes. But not having to file every year is not one of them… Today, I’m going to bust five myths that are out there about expat taxes—and that’s the first of them. Myth #1: Overseas, You Don’t Need To [...]
08 Feb
US dollar bill and 1040 tax individual refund form

Can Living Overseas Mean You Owe Less To The IRS?

Can living overseas mean you owe less to the IRS? In short: Yes. But you need to be careful. Simply moving outside the United States does not remove your obligation to pay U.S. taxes. U.S. citizens must file a return with the IRS every year, regardless of where in the world they reside. But living [...]
05 Feb
Closeup of US tax form 1040 and businessman hand calculating and filling report paper at the office.

Beat The IRS At Their Own Game

Whether you consider paying your taxes simply the price of living in a civilized society… or a pain in the proverbial… or downright theft… doesn’t really matter… Tax season is upon us and Uncle Sam wants what’s due. No exceptions. According to a new poll from the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy [...]
01 Feb
Montevideo, Uruguay, port. The port of Montevideo is the main commercial port of Uruguay

Safety, Stability, Easy Residency, And More…

Can “boring” actually be good? There’s an old Chinese curse: “May you live in interesting times.” Such “interesting times” are fascinating to historians but they’re not much fun to experience first-hand…. They’re times of war, drought, plagues, and famine. It might also be a curse to live in an “interesting” country. The kinds of countries [...]