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Category: Taxes

26 Jan
A beautiful beach in Belize

Belize Is A Tailor-Made Tax And Offshore Haven

Phil Hahn has been telling the same joke for years. He told it again at our Live And Invest In Belize conference last week. He’s a property developer—not a comedian—by trade, but likes to hear people laugh before he gets to the serious business of talking about

26 Sep
Man calculating his taxes

Tax Filing Extension For Americans Abroad

Tax Filing Primer For The American Abroad The second U.S. tax filing season is under way. If you filed an extension back in April (like I did), you have until Oct. 17 to file your tax return... and (don't forget) your Foreign Bank Account Report (FBAR). While the United States' approach to taxing income is [...]
14 Apr
Panama City to the left and the Algarve, Portugal to the right

Panama Vs. Portugal: Comparing The Five Flags

I fly tonight from Panama to Paris… then, Monday morning, on to Lisbon in time to host next week’s Live And Invest In Portugal Conference. Repositioning from the New World to the Old reminds me that Americans often dismiss Europe for offshore lifestyle and investment options thinking the region is too complicated or too expensive. […]