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Tag: International Business

14 Feb
man calculating taxes with a calculator

How To Stay Compliant With Offshore Taxes

Everything The American (And Canadian) Needs To Know About Offshore Taxes This month’s issue of my Simon Letter service features my annual review, overview, and update on taxes for the American abroad. The big change affecting us Americans overseas since my report this time last year is the 2017 tax law that now forces U.S.-controlled [...]
19 Jun
Do You Need an Offshore Corporation

Do You Really Need An Offshore Corporation?

Lief Simon’s Offshore Wealth Summit in Panama City this week is built around a series of workshops addressing the key concepts to do with “going offshore.” For each of these workshops, Lief has convened a panel of experts so as to provide, for each discussion, depth, breadth, and diversity of perspective and experience. One of […]

06 Oct
anti capitalism. It seems everyone hates capitalism these days.

The Rise Of Anti-Capitalism: The Death Of Free Trade?

4 Predictions For Our Anti-Capitalist World The world seems to hate capitalism these days. Teresa May, Britain’s new anti-capitalism prime minister, just outlined her goals. She railed against the "international elite." I think that term might include you and me; I’m not sure. According to the Financial Times, PM May set out an "agenda of [...]
22 Apr
How To Make Your Personal Going Offshore Plan

How To Make Your Personal Going Offshore Plan

The Easiest Way I Know To Piece Together Your Personal Offshore Diversification Plan I spoke last week with a reader who is all set to move himself and all his assets offshore. He already has a second passport and has made a connection with a banker in Switzerland. He has business contacts in several countries [...]
08 Mar
Michigan Lottery Winner Accepting Food Stamps

Michigan Lottery Winner Accepting Food Stamps

Why Did Ireland Implode? (And What Can We Learn From That Debacle?) A top news story this morning is about a woman in Michigan who won US$1 million in the lottery. She took the lump-sum payout option and, after taxes, came away with US$500,000. The story isn't about her winning the lottery, but about the [...]