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Tag: stock market

20 Jul
pin about to burst a baloon that says dot com

Are We In Another Dot-Com Bubble?

Reality Check—What's Going On With The Market Right Now? With the stock market seemingly unstoppable, investors, including me, can't help but wonder… Are we in a bubble? And considering that most of the gains are coming from the Big Tech names like Facebook, Apple, NVIDIA, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Netflix, collectively known as the FANGMAN [...]
01 Jun
stock market warning signs

Avoid The Current Bull Trap With This Stock

Don't FOMO Into The Rekt Club The COVID-19 crisis continues to pressure the labor market. Last week, an additional 2.1 million Americans filed for unemployment, pushing the real jobless rate to 24%. That's the highest number since the Great Depression. What's weird about this is that, at the same time, the stock market keeps climbing [...]
30 Jan
hundred dollar bills in a stack

What’s Going To Happen To The U.S. Dollar In This Decade?

4 Predictions As We Embark On A New Decade So… we’re starting the ‘20s. Before we consider what this new decade might look like, let’s take a look at the ‘10s and what they brought. At the start of last decade, offshore and investment gurus were calling for the collapse of the U.S. dollar. The [...]
21 Jan
bears bulls volatility

5 Secrets To Profit In The Face Of Market Volatility

Volatility Is Here To Stay—Here's How To Profit Earlier this month I introduced you to the guy I think of as my find of the decade. His name is Leon Wilfan. This is the guy I'm listening to as I work to expand my stock portfolio in the face of the current turmoil on Wall [...]
07 Jan
hands of a man holding a smartphone and looking at stocks

Why My 2019 Diversification Plans Include Buying More Stocks

Why 2019 Is The Year I’m Getting Out Of Global Real Estate As a New Year's exercise last year, I ran the numbers for a rough comparison. I was wondering how the US$50,000 I had invested in real estate 20 years prior and rolled over in series into new properties over the course of ensuing [...]
15 Nov
A man in a suit holding graphs

Volatility Is Your Friend—Here’s How To Profit From It

Your Best Strategies For A Volatile Market Turbulent times are upon us. Volatility has returned to the financial markets with a vengeance and finding opportunities to profit is now much harder than it was just a few years ago. Five years ago, you could have created a portfolio of random blue-chip stocks and been positioned [...]