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Tag: health care overseas

17 Jun
Cowboy riding into the sunset

Bulletproof Your Future

Why should you be looking beyond the United States for opportunity? I probably don’t need to go into all the problems America is facing these days. Unsustainable debt. Useless politicians. Everybody angry at everybody else. I started looking overseas for investment opportunities more than 30 years ago. I did it because I wanted new adventures, [...]
11 Sep
health care cost

Finding More Affordable Health Care And Insurance Overseas

As Kathleen and I prepared these past several months to shift our situation and begin spending more time in Europe, I decided to take the transition as an opportunity to shop health insurance options. Health insurance is vastly more expensive in the United States than anywhere else in the world. That reality I’ve understood for […]

21 Aug
A senior couple sitting in a bench in a park

You’re Losing More Than Money By Not Going Overseas Today

Overseas Economics: Age In Place Overseas In Luxury... Instead Of At Home In Poverty My wife Vicki and I find ourselves in California for a few months. A popular new book here, "The Truth About Your Future: The Money Guide You Need Now, Later, And Much Later," predicts a startling future, largely free of disease, [...]