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26 Feb
aucasian man holds some black truffles while two dogs are smelling them.

Your Invitation To Beat Wall Street

One sunny summer afternoon in 2012 I had the most expensive lunch of my life. Kathleen, the kids, and I were taking a driving tour through Italy, Austria, and Croatia. The Croatia leg was to check on the old stone house we own in Istria. We arrived in the nearest town, Livade, around lunchtime. Livade is a tiny place with a big claim to fame: this is the center of Croatia’s truffle region. Walking through the lobby of the town’s only restaurant we saw, in a glass case, an enormous bronze [...]
15 Feb

The Biggest Year Of Voting In Global History

In 1789, Founding Father Benjamin Franklin wrote a letter to French physicist Jean-Baptiste Leroy. It contained a line that outlived both men and will likely still be around when you and I are long gone… “The only two certainties in life are death and taxes.” Now, far be it from me to factcheck The First [...]
12 Feb
Hands filling US tax form. Culculating and payment of taxes concept

Don’t Fall For These 5 Tax Myths

There are plenty of advantages to living (and investing) overseas when it comes to your U.S. taxes. But not having to file every year is not one of them… Today, I’m going to bust five myths that are out there about expat taxes—and that’s the first of them. Myth #1: Overseas, You Don’t Need To [...]
05 Feb
Closeup of US tax form 1040 and businessman hand calculating and filling report paper at the office.

Beat The IRS At Their Own Game

Whether you consider paying your taxes simply the price of living in a civilized society… or a pain in the proverbial… or downright theft… doesn’t really matter… Tax season is upon us and Uncle Sam wants what’s due. No exceptions. According to a new poll from the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy [...]
01 Feb
Montevideo, Uruguay, port. The port of Montevideo is the main commercial port of Uruguay

Safety, Stability, Easy Residency, And More…

Can “boring” actually be good? There’s an old Chinese curse: “May you live in interesting times.” Such “interesting times” are fascinating to historians but they’re not much fun to experience first-hand…. They’re times of war, drought, plagues, and famine. It might also be a curse to live in an “interesting” country. The kinds of countries [...]
29 Jan
Bookkeeper making report, finances. diversification

6 Key Steps To True Diversification

I’ve been planting flags for more than 25 years at this point… long before I had ever heard about the Five Flags Theory or any of the other terms used to simplify the conversation about internationalizing one’s life. Some of my flags were accidental… or incidental at first… just part of life. My first offshore [...]
25 Jan
Washington DC Capitol dome detail with waving american flag

Who I’m Voting For In 2024

For many people, the New Year’s Eve hangover had barely passed when the real headache of 2024 began to kick in… First it was the Iowa caucuses, then this week’s New Hampshire primary, and now we’re barreling towards the South Carolina showdowns. 2024 has been dubbed the biggest election year in history by The Economist, [...]
22 Jan
Paradise beach in Placencia, tropical coast of Belize, Caribbean Sea, Central America

What I Found At “Pleasant Point”

Driving down the peninsula on smooth roads baked by the tropical sun, it suddenly struck me that I hadn’t been to Placencia in southern Belize in nearly 10 years. As I came closer to the end of my journey, there I was, stunned by what I found. High-quality developments, great restaurants, a friendly atmosphere that [...]
15 Jan

The Land Of Promise

You know I’ve been bullish on Panama for years. Long-term, Panama will be one of the main global business hubs, competing with Singapore and Dubai… All in all, Panama is a country where you should consider “planting a flag.” Panama uses the U.S. dollar, so you won’t get any currency diversification, but for many people [...]
11 Jan
100% Profits With A Little-Known Company

3 People You Need In Your Corner

I’m going to let you in on some of my secrets today… some tips for finding the best people to work with on your overseas journey… Developing an advisory infrastructure—that is, legal, financial, tax, banking, and structures resources—in the places where you want to live or invest overseas is critical to building a globally diversified [...]