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Tag: Real Estate In Medellin

29 Dec
Panoramica Centro De Medellin

U.S. Dollar At Five-Year High Against The Colombian Peso, Creating A Window Of Opportunity For Property Investors

Right now is the time to act on a property investment in Medellin, Colombia, if you’ve been considering taking a position in this market. The Colombian peso has moved from 1,850 to US$1 in July to 2,300 to US$1 today. That’s a 25% gain for U.S. dollar holders in six months, creating a buying opportunity […]

19 May
San Andres, Colombia - Real estate investing in Colombia

Real Estate Investment In Medellin, Colombia

“So we’ll go to the apartment to drop off our bags and pick up the cellphones,” I said. “Then let’s head right back out. It’s a beautiful afternoon. Let’s walk to town and stop somewhere for drinks.” “Sounds good,” Lief replied. “We can call Lee to ask if he’d like to meet for dinner. His […]