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Tag: property Medellin

16 Mar
Colombia: One Of The World’s Most Attractive Investment Markets

Why Consider Investing In Colombia Before It’s Too Late

Sneak Peek At Next Month’s Private Show In Colombia I look for any excuse to spend time in Medellín. My wife has finished the apartment we bought here in 2011 to a luxury standard (why not, we figured, when we realized that luxury comes at a very affordable price here), and the city itself is, [...]
31 Dec
Improvements In Medellin Colombia

Investments And Improvements In Medellin, Colombia

I arrived in Medellín on Tuesday to spend a week here with my family over New Year’s. As usual, I’m enjoying the calming effects of being in this city. It’s hard to define, but something about this place lowers your blood pressure. It could be the mountain air. It could be the temperate weather (about […]

07 Dec
Reasons to live in Colombia

A Few Reasons To Live And Invest In Colombia Today

The window to take action in Colombia is right now… for two reasons: First, current exchange rates have pushed down property prices in Colombia to levels not seen for many years. Not surprisingly, real estate sales to Americans are at an all-time high. The U.S. dollar continues its rampage against the Colombian peso. How much […]