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Tag: Investing Investment

20 Jan
Senior couple standing at top of hill on hike through countryside

Finding True Wealth: What Is Your Magic Retirement Number?

On the plane flying from Paris to Panama earlier this month, I read an article about a librarian who made the decision to take all of her money out of the stock market. It’s not that she’s worried about the stock market crashing. It’s that she’s reached her number. As the woman explained, she’s accumulated […]

04 May
gold nuggets

The Money Super Cycle And How You Can Use It To Your Advantage

The Money Super Cycle Is Ending—Here’s How You Profit If you've been following the financial world, then you've probably come across the phrase "super cycle." Typically, it's related to commodities, such as the gold super cycle, the oil super cycle, or the copper super cycle. The premise is that these commodities move in decades-long super [...]