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Tag: Diversify Offshore

22 Aug
view of panoramic porto old town and dom luis bridge with duoro river ,portugal

Protect Yourself

Why would anyone want to “go offshore” anyway? That’s a question I ask myself at this time of year, as I put the final touches on the program for my annual Offshore Wealth Summit. The event takes place this year on October 16 to 18 in Porto, Portugal. I like reminding myself why I do [...]
01 Aug
The Rock of Cashel, one of Ireland’s top attractions, group of Medieval buildings set on limestone.

How A DNA Test Led To An Irish Passport

Baby Thomas James Delehanty arrived into the world in 1963 Arizona. A couple months later, having been adopted, he became John Edward Portmann. In 2019, he decided to research his family tree. Although he had long known he was adopted, he was shocked when the DNA test he took revealed his ancestry to be 100% [...]
08 Jul
The cowboy who tamed horses at sunset

Finding Freedom, Opportunity, And Your Fortune

Americans used to be the great movers of the world. Think of the pioneers who settled the West… traveling thousands of miles with nothing just to find a place where they could truly live free, far from the Old World governments that kept them down… looking for new opportunities on new lands because opportunities had [...]
07 Dec
Panoramic view of Panama City, Panama. offshore haven

Why Panama Remains The Offshore Haven To Beat

Big news from one of my favorite offshore havens—the country where Kathleen and I spend most of our time (and base our business)… Last week, Panama’s Supreme Court made a ruling with major implications. Panama has faced weeks of protests over the government’s renewal of a contract with Canadian corporation First Quantum, which operates the [...]
26 Oct
Aerial view of Panama City, Panama

The Truth About What We Did In Panama

Sometimes people wonder why they should attend a Live And Invest Overseas conference, when they’re already receiving updates like this letter on a regular basis… Well, for one thing, there’s no substitute for meeting our experts in person. You get to break bread with them, ask them any question you like—and get an answer right [...]