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Tag: Asset Protection

12 Sep
In addition to stocks and bonds (and the mutual funds that invest in them), any investor with capital has opportunities to invest in many other assets.

How Diversifying Into Real Estate Can Help Your Portfolio

Over the weekend I read one of those Q&A articles in a mainstream financial publication. A reader had written in to ask how he should invest a windfall of US$250,000. The answer was typical mainstream financial advice that boiled down to: Determine your level of risk tolerance based on your age and then allocate some […]

10 Aug
Diversification Strategy: Planting Five Flags

The Diversification Strategy Of Planting Five Flags

I’m reviewing and clarifying my ideas related to the Five Flags theory of diversification in preparation for my opening remarks at the Wealth Summit I’m hosting in Panama in October. If you’re new to the idea, the Five Flags are to do with residency, citizenship, banking, assets, and business. Not everyone needs all five flags […]

21 Apr
Two Winners, Two Losers

How To Choose A Rental Investment Property In Panama City, Panama

The first viewing was a one-bedroom, two-bath apartment with a den on Avenida Balboa. The den could be converted into a small bedroom to make the unit a two-bedroom. Why did the developer not package the property this way in the first place? Probably due to concerns over zoning density. Other apartments along Avenida Balboa […]

01 Aug
Why Most U.S. Asset Protection Plans Are Worthless

Why Most U.S. Asset Protection Plans Are Worthless

Battle-Ready Asset Protection As an expert in asset protection—practicing as an attorney for 13 years and fighting too many battles to count—I can tell you with certainty that most asset protection plans are not worth the paper they are printed on. In fact, the majority of asset protection plans sold in the United States today [...]
19 Jan
Global Currency Investing

Global Currency Investing

What Happens When A Bicycle In Singapore Costs As Much As A House In The United States? Organizing your life so you don't have to worry about the day-to-day ups and downs of the world's currency markets, as we discussed on Monday, doesn't mean you shouldn't be watching to take advantage of currency fluctuations as [...]