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Invest In Cyprus Now Then Sit Back And Wait For Your Return

20 Jun
Bright blue beach in Bafra, Cyprus

Invest In Cyprus Now Then Sit Back And Wait For Your Return

The Biggest Discovery Of My Career Since Panama

I’ve discovered a real estate investor’s dream.

This is a market poised to explode onto global investors’ radar…

Meaning a lot of people are going to make a lot of money.

You could buy almost anything in this place today—from a 20-year-old resale in the hills to a pre-construction condo on the coast—and then sit back and wait for your return.

That return could come from rental yield, appreciation, or both.

And you won’t have to wait long to bank it.

The rental cash flow could be immediate…

And values are appreciating in real time.

I’ve already bought here myself. I started the paperwork for the purchase of a rental property even before returning home from my recent scouting trip.

This is an active market. You need to move quickly. If you don’t, I promise you’ll be kicking yourself in the future.

Not Able To Buy In Panama City 20 Years Ago? Here's Your Second Chance

That’s what I’d liken this market to—Panama City before anyone was paying attention to it.

I’m talking about Cyprus.

The history of this island goes back millennia.

However, for the global property investor, the history that matters starts in 1878. That’s when the British empire leased this island from the Ottomans.

I’ll spare you the full and complicated backstory and jump ahead to 1960, when Cyprus became an independent nation with a constitution guaranteed by Britain, Greece, and Turkey. While the Brits were in control, the Greek Cypriots and the Turkish Cypriots played together nicely. After independence, that changed. By 1974 the constitution was under attack… so the Turks intervened. The result of the conflict that followed is today’s divided island.

During my recent visit, I heard the story from both sides. Each blames the other, as you’d expect.

Reunification is being discussed, and it seems obvious when you’re on the ground that the two sides should reunite. It’d be in the best interest of all Cypriots.

However, being not Cypriot, that’s not my business… nor my point in bringing this island to your attention.

The Investing Opportunities In Cyprus

My point is that, for us global property investors, the current divide has opened up opportunity in the North…

While continued development in the South is creating opportunity there.

I’m preparing a full report that will be featured, in two parts, in this and next month’s issues of my Global Property Advisor.

However, this is such a big opportunity that I want to make sure all Live And Invest Overseas readers are aware of it… while you still have the chance to take an early-in position.

The north side of the island represents 36% of the land area but more than 50% of the coastline. This affords Northern Cyprus several distinct coastal markets of interest, including East of Kyrenia (Girne), West of Kyrenia, and two areas of Iskele, Long Beach and a designated resort zone near Bafra.

Each of these four regions is appealing for different reasons and an ideal choice for different investors… but they all have one critical thing in common…

They’re attracting fast-growing numbers of tourists needing rentals.

The path of progress is from the town of Kyrenia east along the coast. A mountain range runs parallel to the shore along this side of the island. The terrain allows for ocean views from most every spot. Couple that with strict permitting rules in this part of Kyrenia that restrict building heights to three stories and forbid new construction within 100 meters of the coast and you are guaranteed this coastline won’t be overrun by high-rises that would obliterate current views.

It’s a seller’s market right now. Almost every new development I visited was sold out. Nevertheless—and this is the exciting starting point for this conversation—prices are seriously undervalued…

And every developer I met with is launching new projects.

It’s not only properties and short-term rentals that are a global bargain… but everything. This is why the region is so attractive to European retirees and travelers.

When shopping, look for a developer with built-in rental management and for a project with lots of services and amenities.

One location I want to draw your attention to in particular is a development zone for resorts and casinos near the town of Bafra.

Why Bafra Is The Best Investing Option In Cyprus

This, I predict, will be the Cancún of the Med.

Now, you don’t have to like Cancún. I don’t. But I recognize opportunity when it slaps me in the face.

Cancún started out as a patch of sand on the Yucatán peninsula that, in the 1970s, the Mexican government targeted for development.

Fifty years later, this is a global tourist destination with beach resorts for every budget, a major shopping strip, and its own international airport serving the entire region with flights from around the world and direct flights from most major U.S. cities.

Today, like Cancún decades ago, Bafra has been designated for tourism development. Fourteen resorts will be built along the coast here. Five are operating already.

There’s much more to know about the northern part of this island… including a medical tourism project and an age-in-place facility offering assisted-living and long-term care options.

Again, I’ll cover it all in my report for my Global Property Advisor members.

The bottom-line point is that in every one of the regions I’m targeting you can buy in for less than US$100,000.

You can also find million-dollar-plus villas on the ocean that would cost multiples of that anywhere else in the Mediterranean.

Rental return projections for some new projects are pushing into double digits.

In a global climate where investors are seeking safe haven, this market stands out.

If you’re intrigued by the opportunity on the table in Cyprus—as I strongly recommend you should be—I urge you to be online with me later this week when I’ll be joined by my primary contact on the ground to talk through current options in detail. Take a look here now for more on the “Europe’s Hottest Island Property Spotlight Event” I’ll be hosting this Thursday, June 23, at 10 a.m. EDT.

The window to get in early in this market poised to boom won’t last long. Join me live Thursday for the full story.

Lief Simon