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Month: August 2012

30 Aug
Who Wants Egalite?

Tax Debates In France: Who Wants Egalite?

In doing further curiosity reading after my Monday dispatch to you about the current tax debates here in France, I found some hilarious comments posted on news sites discussing Hollande’s planned increase of the top marginal tax rate in France to 75%. The best was from a young lady who stated (I’m paraphrasing a bit): […]

27 Aug
Implications Of Hollande’s Tax Hikes In France

Implications Of Hollande’s Tax Hikes In France

Nevermind The Politicians Based in Paris the past few weeks, we've been getting questions from readers and friends about what we're going to do in the face of recently elected President Hollande's proposed big tax changes. Hollande plans to increase this country's top marginal tax bracket from 41% to 75% for income over €1 million [...]
20 Aug
Timing Currency Exchange For Property Purchase In Colombia

Timing Currency Exchange For Property Purchase In Colombia

Buy Colombia Now I don't try to time currency fluctuations, but, last week, my banker in Colombia e-mailed to tell me the Colombian government announced they would purchase US$300 million over the next few weeks. She thought, therefore, it might be a good time to transfer some money down there if I need to. Indeed, [...]
16 Aug
Politesse For Investors Abroad

Politesse For Investors Abroad

Speak The Language Of Investors Back in Paris after having been gone for several years, my French, limited when living here, is, well, more limited. But the good news is that this is Paris, and, despite what many Americans say, you can get by here, even full-time, with very limited, even hardly any French. Certainly, [...]
13 Aug
It Is Not Illegal To Move Assets Offshore

It Is Not Illegal To Move Assets Offshore

Moving Isn't Hiding Some recent reader e-mails have me scratching my head. Some readers rail against me for writing about ways both to save taxes and to protect assets by moving them offshore. These readers seem fully to believe that these activities are illegal. The only thing I can think is that they are mis-merging [...]
06 Aug
Emergency Offshore Summit, Panama City, Panama

Emergency Offshore Summit, Panama City, Panama

What We Learned In Panama This Week This week's Emergency Offshore Summit in Panama City was exhausting and exhaustive. The overriding theme was one that I've been heralding for years, specifically: The offshore world is an ever-moving target...so take action when you can. Otherwise, you could lose your window of opportunity. In Panama, one bank [...]
02 Aug
Investing In Coffee In Colombia

Investing In Coffee In Colombia

"Grown In Colombia"--A Business Opportunity (It's Probably Not What You Think) I wrote last week about the abundance of business and investment potential in Colombia right now. We noticed opportunity everywhere we looked. Our daughter, for example, decided to try exporting the cow hides we found for sale in a roadside shop just outside Medellin. We [...]