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An Unexpected Opportunity On Panama’s Coast

06 Nov
Ocean Views… A Beach Bar… And Getting In Early. los islotes

An Unexpected Opportunity On Panama’s Coast

In 2008, my husband Lief and I made the most important investment of our lives. After scouting the globe, we made an offer on a piece of land on Panama’s Veraguas coast.

It was an oceanside finca known as Los Islotes.

We recognized Los Islotes as unique… on the Azuero Peninsula, in Panama, and in the world.

Its natural beauty is undeniable. The extraordinary setting is what drew us here 15 years ago, and it’s what we appreciate most about this still undiscovered spot today.

Los Islotes is a private oasis spread over 225 acres. Every owner is guaranteed plenty of elbowroom.

And, while most beach properties only reward owners along the coast, the community here is being developed across mountainsides that afford most every home views across the Pacific Ocean.

In addition to the rolling hills, this property stands out for its water features.

Los Islotes takes its name from the set of small islands just offshore…

Los Islotes, Azuero Peninsula

Onshore is an elevated point of land with rocky cliffs. The view from the spot is exalting…

On either side of the point are our two separate and very different beaches.

On one side, you have a wide, blue-pebble beach. Thanks to the dramatic waves, this is where you’ll find the surfers…

This long uninterrupted stretch of coast is also ideal for sunbathing, horseback riding, and romantic walks.

Just back from the ocean is our Panama Jack’s Beach Bar where owners and guests meet for cocktails, cookouts, and great company…

Panama Jacks Beach Bar in Los Islotes

Our other, second beach is one of Mother Nature’s most mysterious creations.

Thanks to the water flowing between the rocky precipice and one of the islands, the waves here are gentle and flowing… and the sand is powder soft. This is where kids come to play in the water and build sandcastles in the sheltered cove…

Sandbar in Los Islotes

At low tide you can walk across the sandbar to the biggest island off our coast. This is an ideal spot for a picnic.

This sandbar has helped to create a brackish lagoon that runs alongside the community. This clear, shallow water is perfect for watersports. You can launch your kayak or paddle board from our Mango Village neighborhood where we’ve installed a small pier…

Second beach at Los Islotes Azuero Peninsula

On top of all that, this dramatic coastline is one of the few places in Panama where you can watch the sun set over the water…

Sunset view from Los Islotes

Lief and I have built a family home at Los Islotes. For us, this is a forever home base…

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Family home at Los Islotes

Our vision for Los Islotes has been to build a home for ourselves and our children in a place where our neighbors share our ideas about what’s important and interesting… and where we’re all able to embrace the best of Mother Nature while also enjoying the comforts and conveniences of top-end 21st-century living.

At last, thanks to nearly 15 years of effort, Los Islotes is now as comfortable as it is beautiful. The gorgeous natural setting of Los Islotes can act as an escape from the world, but that doesn’t mean we’re roughing it out here.

Our teams continue infrastructure and construction projects. We’ve installed underground electricity, water, and fiber optic internet…

Our Equestrian Centre is another important part of our vision for Los Islotes. Our stable plan features a grand central social area with a bar. Beams for the stables have been hewn in our woodshop onsite…

We’re also building model homes…

Model home at Los Islotes

Our long-term vision for Los Islotes incorporates a Town Square with a church and a Student Center with a library. This year we inaugurated a little museo. We are committed to preserving and shining a light on the fascinating history and culture of this little-known Veraguas coast…

From the start, our objective has been to create a place where we and our neighbors can live independently while also connecting with and contributing to the local community we’re now proud to be part of…

Contributing to the local community

I’m pleased to be able to say that, at last, the Los Islotes we’ve long imagined is coming to life.

Lief and I have bought property in 24 countries. These are all places where we have both enjoyed spending time and realized good returns on our investments.

Los Islotes is all that… and much more.

At Los Islotes, we’re not getting in and getting out, and we’re not simply holding on for capital appreciation. We’re committing personally and long-term.

When you scan the world map in search of good options for where to grow your wealth, protect your assets, and conduct your business, you realize that Panama sits at the top of the list.

Look closely at Panama, and you see a clear path of progress. Pacific coastal property in this country has been developed from just outside the capital city westward.

The Azuero Peninsula sits smack dab in this path…

Azuero Peninsula Map
Adobe Stock/Peter Hermes Furian

When Lief set out 15 years ago to find The Next Big Thing In Panama, he focused his search on this peninsula for this reason.

Lief and I have been watching what’s going on in the world and, especially, back in the States, just like everybody else. What will happen with the U.S. economy,

U.S. investment markets, and the U.S. dollar long-term? What about debt, health care, and Social Security… not to mention the next presidential election…

We’re Americans, so this is our frame of reference, and, given everything that’s playing out in real time right now, our thoughts can’t help but turn to things like safe haven and escape. We’ve looked carefully at the options, and we’ve decided that, big picture, all things considered, for us, Panama is the answer.

Specifically, the 1 kilometer of coastline at Los Islotes and the 225 acres that it fronts are our safety net.

If this sounds like a place you’d also like to call home… get in touch here for more information.

Until next time,

Kathleen Peddicord Signature

Kathleen Peddicord

Founding Publisher, Live And Invest Overseas