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Tag: Retire in Colombia

02 Jun
Panama City, Panama to the right and Medellin, Colombia to the left, comparison

Comparing Panama And Colombia: Living, Retiring, And Investing

Where’s the better choice for planting Plan B flags—Panama or Colombia? The answer depends on your goals and the flag you’d like to plant. Are you looking to open an offshore bank account or to establish backup residency? Do you want to make a real estate investment or start a business? Here’s a comparison of […]

03 Mar
Aerial view of Bogota, Colombia

The Truth About Retirement In Colombia Expats Need To Know

The first time I ever recommended Americans think about retiring overseas was back in 1985. When I began making these kinds of suggestions, I was sometimes met with suspicion… sometimes ignored… now and then even attacked as part of the lunatic fringe. The good news is that today the idea of retiring outside the country […]

22 Nov
Popular public park in Medellin, Colombia

3 Types Of People Should Live Or Invest In Colombia—Are You One Of Them?

I want you to conduct a little test for me… This Thursday, when you’re sitting down to Thanksgiving dinner with your family, tell them you are considering a visit to Colombia. If you’re feeling feisty, tell them you’re going to Medellín… I bet you a bottle of rum that their shocked response will have something […]