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Tag: market crash

31 Aug
Economy crash.

3 Events That Will Leave You Penniless

I’m no Nostradamus. I usually stay out of the business of making predictions. But I know, just by looking at what’s happening in America right now, that certain things are inevitable… I fear Americans are sitting on a ticking time bomb… This has nothing to do with trillion-dollar debt or immigration or careless money printing [...]
24 Jan
General view of apartments for rent in Portimao, Algarve, Portugal

How To Survive And Thrive During A Real Estate Market Crash

Tiny homes, digital nomads, early retirees, home offices… These and other related trends are spurring the real estate world into action. Some developers are designing buildings specifically targeting digital nomads, trying to capture the expanding population of traveling millennials who can work from anywhere. Others are picking up on the less-is-more movement in the United […]