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Tag: LLC

31 Oct
A man asking the tough questions

Why Buying Property With An LLC Offshore Is 100% Legal

The Experts Have Got This All Wrong My first work overseas experience was more than 25 years ago… in Chad. I was sent to the country on assignment by the oil-drilling company I was working for to fill in for their administrative manager while she took her six weeks annual vacation. Before the trip, the [...]
27 Jan
Onshore LLCs versus Offshore LLCs

An LLC Versus A Corporation For Asset Protection

A reader wrote in over the weekend to enlighten me on the costs of LLCs. Specifically, he wanted to let me know that setting up an LLC in New Mexico is much cheaper than the range of costs I referenced for setting up LLCs in the offshore jurisdictions I wrote about recently. I’m afraid this […]

23 Jan
Protecting Your Assets Offshore

Protecting Your Assets Offshore

Someone recently told me about a scam not uncommonly perpetrated in Panama. In Panama, when someone files a lawsuit against you, he can have your assets or at least part of your assets frozen while the suit is being argued to protect against you moving them out of the country before the case is settled. […]

04 Nov
Structuring Your Offshore Business

Structuring Your Offshore Business

A reader wrote last week asking me to name the best jurisdiction for setting up an offshore entity. I can’t answer that question, at least not simply, especially for a U.S. person who has complicated tax rules to consider. Before trying to identify where might be the best place for you to open an offshore […]