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Tag: invest argentina

21 Dec
invest in overseas property

Where To Invest In Overseas Property For 2016

In Panama this year, we purchased the building that houses our Live and Invest Overseas business and staff. This made sense not only because we’ll be our own tenant but also and more so because commercial and office space in Panama City are the best investment sectors in this market right now. This purchase diversifies […]

30 Nov
Crisis Investing Markets To Watch

Crisis Investing: 3 Markets To Watch

Argentina is another market in the midst of economic crisis that you should be paying attention to right now. The presidential elections earlier this month may signal a positive turning point for this country. President-Elect Mauricio Macri has his work cut out for him, but if he can effect positive change without alienating all the […]

23 Nov
Argentina's President-elect Macri Will Focus On Economy

Argentina’s President-elect Macri Will Focus On Economy

Argentine farmers are sitting on an estimated 10 million tons of soy beans. That’s more than US$3 billion worth. Soy bean futures are down with the expectation that farmers in Argentina will move to sell their stores into the open market as soon as Macri takes office and eliminates the extra tax on hard-currency commodity […]

15 Oct
Investing In Argentina

Investing In Argentina’s Future Post President Kirchner

Americans aren’t the only ones getting ready to elect a new president. Another presidential race will be decided this month. Argentina finally, hopefully, will get out from under the ridiculous and disastrous economic policies of current President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. Estimates are that Cristina will leave the country with as little as US$8 million […]