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Tag: Form 8938

17 Jun
FBAR Filing Requirements

FBAR Filing Requirements

A Humble Suggestion For The IRS If you haven't completed your FBAR form (TD F 90-22.1) for 2012, here's a heads up: The deadline is less than two weeks away. Remember that postmarking the form by June 30 isn't good enough. The Treasury Department must receive the thing by June 30. Completing my FBAR was my weekend project. I'll [...]
12 Jul
Practical Tax And Filing Consequences Of New FATCA Legislation Taking Effect

Practical Tax And Filing Consequences Of New FATCA Legislation

FATCA Is Closing In.. The level of concern among Americans seems to be growing as the FATCA implementation deadline draws closer and more people are becoming more aware of the implications and possible consequences of this absurd legislation. The first consequence has to do with the 30% withholding when wiring funds to a non-U.S. bank [...]