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Tag: Obamacare

05 Mar
obama-president of america

Americans Living Overseas Are Exempt From The Affordable Care Act

One more benefit for Americans living overseas is that you are exempt from Obamacare. If you don’t want Obama’s health insurance as an American abroad, you don’t have to have it. In fact, living overseas, you can have no health insurance whatsoever if you like. Who wouldn’t want health insurance? Friends have gone without health […]

24 Sep
The Cost Of Health Insurance With Obamacare

The Cost Of Health Insurance With Obamacare

Why Obamacare Is Just One More Reason To Diversify California has released information on the cost of Obamacare coverage for those who don't have health insurance otherwise. The average premium cost for the silver plan (they have bronze, silver, gold, and platinum plans) will be US$321 monthly. The annual deductible for this level of coverage [...]