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Tag: IRS Form 8938

29 Feb
Beautiful Italian farmhouse in Tuscany surrounded by nature with a large garden

My #1 Strategy For Storing Wealth

8938. That is the number of the IRS form you have to fill out to report foreign financial assets. If you own foreign assets, you have to fill out IRS Form 8938 even if you’ve lived out of the country for most of your life. However, here’s an important point: You do not have to […]

17 May
Who Is Required To File U.S. IRS Form 8938

Who Is Required To File U.S. IRS Form 8938

Understanding IRS Form 8938 (Good Luck) Tax season is over, but many U.S. taxpayers remain confused about the new IRS Form 8938...including many tax professionals, it seems, given the number of e-mails I'm getting from readers asking questions to make sure their tax preparers completed their forms correctly. This new form is a catch-all intended [...]
29 Mar
Why Global Diversification Is The Key To Protecting and Growing Wealth In The Current Age

Why Global Diversification Is The Key To Protecting And Growing Wealth

I Make No Guarantees (And Neither Should Anyone Else) If re-elected, President Sarkozy of France is promising a new global tax on French corporations. He's also alluded to changing the country's approach to personal income tax, so that French citizens would be taxed on their global income, as U.S. citizens are. If you're shopping for [...]