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Tag: Five Flags

08 Nov
How And Where To Pursue The Five Flags Strategy Of Global Diversification

How And Where To Pursue The Five Flags Strategy Of Global Diversification

Five Flags Geography I'm reviewing and clarifying my ideas related to the Five Flags theory of diversification in preparation for my opening remarks at this week's Offshore Summit in Panama City. If you're new to the idea, the "Five Flags" are to do with residency, citizenship, banking, assets, and business. Not everyone needs all five flags planted [...]
06 Aug
Emergency Offshore Summit, Panama City, Panama

Emergency Offshore Summit, Panama City, Panama

What We Learned In Panama This Week This week's Emergency Offshore Summit in Panama City was exhausting and exhaustive. The overriding theme was one that I've been heralding for years, specifically: The offshore world is an ever-moving target...so take action when you can. Otherwise, you could lose your window of opportunity. In Panama, one bank [...]