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What It Takes To Build The Future

17 Jul
Human integration with technology

What It Takes To Build The Future

WEF “Insider” Speaks…

I don’t mind admitting it…

In fact, I can boast about it.

From my point of view—it’s just prudent. I’m preparing for the future.
I have a microchip in my body.

With my microchip, I can start my car with a wave of my hand. I don’t need keys to my house. I don’t need passwords on my computer (maybe the best part).

I can even hold bitcoin on the microchip in my hand.

It’s a simple device—literally the size of a grain of rice—that I had injected into the fatty tissue between my thumb and forefinger in 2015.

Some people call this “biohacking”: Hacking your biology with computer parts.

It’s part of an ideology called “transhumanism,” which I’ve been promoting around the world for over a decade—including as a U.S. presidential candidate and a candidate for governor in California.

“Transhumanism” basically means “beyond human”—I want human beings to think about becoming more than human, with the help of computer chips, AI, and genetic research, all of which will enable us to have far more abilities than we do now.

It’s an idea I’ve discussed on the world’s biggest podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience, as well as on Fox News and CNN—even on Alex Jones’s InfoWars.

I’ve even discussed my ideas at the World Bank and the World Economic Forum (WEF)…

And let me tell you: The “globalist elite,” in the media and at the World Bank and the WEF… they are very interested in my ideas.

“Fake News”

There’s a lot of “fake news” out there about what some people call the “global elite.”

I’m talking about organizations like those I mentioned, the WEF and the World Bank, as well as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Nobel Prize Foundation, United Nations, and others. For the most part, they just want what’s best for people.

Over the years, as a journalist, futurist, and U.S. presidential candidate, I’ve had the opportunity to work and interact with these entities in small ways. And what I discovered is that the people running them are often just like everyone else: they have noble hopes and plans for improving humanity, but they also make mistakes trying to implement their vision.

Of course, outsiders will vehemently disagree that anything the global elite does could be positive. To them, these organizations are fortresses of conspiracy, with agendas built on world dominance and control.

But through my dealings with these elite organizations, I never discovered a secret cabal controlling their actions. In fact, quite the opposite.

For example, I was invited to speak at the World Economic Forum’s Global Futures Council event in Dubai. It was a glitzy affair held at the five-star hotel Le Méridien Mina Seyahi Beach Resort. Hundreds of the world’s most promising academics attended. There were amazing lunches, speeches, and exhibitions.

My talk was on transhumanism and biohacking. People were especially interested in the microchip in my hand…

I was honored to have World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab, along with United Arab Emirate’s leader, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, come see me speak—a fact aired by numerous Dubai television channels.

Naysayers often think microchips are part of a Satanic plan to control people.

Christian fundamentalists have told me it has Biblical connotations tied to the Book of Revelation; my microchip is the “mark of the beast.”

But as a surfer and jogger, I have the chip so I don’t have to carry house and car keys with me everywhere.

For me, it’s all about convenience and practicality…

I hope more people will come around to my point of view, and microchipped humans will be common in the world of the future.

I’m helping to make this world happen, in particular, by discussing these topics with the likes of the WEF and the World Bank—as well as the U.S. Navy.

Another talk I gave was at the World Bank headquarters in Washington, D.C.

It centered on artificial intelligence. On my panel was the organization USAID, represented by Alexis Bonnell. She was an innovation evangelist partially in charge of a budget of US$250 million with the goal of spending it on entrepreneurs trying to help the world thrive in new ways.

Critics of AI say the technology will take jobs. I don’t disagree with them. Critics also say AI will change society. This too is true. But when critics say AI will destroy humanity in some “Terminator”-style way, I try to point out that we have no idea yet whether future AI will harm or hurt people.

Besides, if humans time it right, we may be able to merge our brains with AI and become superhuman.

Already, supercomputers can do 300,000 trillion calculations per second. The possibilities for what we can do in the next few centuries, if our minds are connected to AI, are endless…

People complain that the World Bank is promoting these ideas because I spoke there…

However, just because the World Bank is sponsoring an event where AI ideas get discussed, doesn’t mean they are in any way advocating for such a radical idea as merging people with AI.

It’s safe to say the World Bank only ponders visionary ideas in order to try to move humanity forward. Their leaders are well aware that many of the ideas mentioned within their walls—like my short talk—are just ways to explore the social landscape of the future.

Indeed, that’s why I’m sharing my ideas with you, too… so you can prepare for the world of the future.

Benevolent Organizations

People can get very angry when you mention the World Bank or the WEF… but the truth is, they’re just trying to build the future, and hopefully make it better than the present.

That’s why I enjoy sharing my ideas there…

Building the future means exploring new ideas from new thinkers. It also means exploring new methods of human existence, including controversial ones, like eating insects for protein instead of meat.

On the surface, such an idea may seem preposterous. But just think about this: 75% of our world’s forests have been cut down for grazing cattle, which has hastened climate change and the destruction of valuable species on planet Earth. Humans eat 150 million animals a day. That’s a lot of suffering for those animals—many of which are mammals like you and me.

To save some of these millions of animals from being industrially slaughtered daily for human consumption, maybe eating insects sometimes could be an acceptable choice. I personally don’t mind trying it.

In the world of the future I’m trying to build, eating insects and getting microchipped might not be strange things at all.


Zoltan Istvan

Contributor, Simon Letter