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Brazil’s Real Estate: An Unrivaled Opportunity

01 Jun
Beach of Fortaleza in Ceara state, Brazil

Brazil’s Real Estate: An Unrivaled Opportunity

A Profits Powerhouse

In the latest issue of Simon Letter, economist and investment pro Philip Pilkington (host of the Multipolarity podcast), shared the following insight with my readers:

“Starting in 2020, the global growth contribution from the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) is outpacing the growth contribution from the G7 countries (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the U.K., and the United States)…

“For years, economists have told us that the emerging markets economies would leave the developed economies behind.

“That is no longer a prediction about the future. Rather, it appears to be the reality of the world in the 2020s…”

Emerging markets are set to be bigger drivers of global growth than the United States ever was.

For example, if it’s current growth continues, China’s economy alone could be more than four times the size of the U.S. economy today, Philip explains.

He adds: “Remember, U.S. growth is stagnating… while China continues to grow at a healthy rate.”

The opportunity today for those who want to make serious money is in emerging markets: “There will simply be more opportunity in the growing emerging economies than in the stagnant and increasingly inflationary developed economies.”

Unrivaled Opportunity

Today, one particular emerging market is on my mind… and it’s not China.

We’ve heard a lot about China as the world’s next superpower… but there is a “BRICS” country much closer to home that offers Americans serious opportunities to ride the emerging-market profit train… a country that is already a regional “superpower,” and has a lot further to go as the predicted BRICS growth continues…

I’m talking about Brazil.

A white sand beach in Brazil
I have an exclusive deal in Brazil, right next to this white-sand beach…
read on to find out more…

The facts about Brazil will tell you why this Latin American powerhouse can’t be ignored… and show you the scale of the opportunity…

This is the fifth-largest country in the world (geographically), covering nearly half a continent… with the seventh-largest population (over 200 million… tens of millions of middle-class consumers)…

It’s a top-10 world economy. A trade superpower… the largest producer of one of the world’s most-consumed products—coffee—for over a century…

Investing in Brazil gives you the opportunity to diversify outside the U.S. dollar… but remain within a large economy…

You have the opportunity here for a very interesting currency play…

Brazil has recently been at the forefront of discussions to launch a new global currency—BRICS members have long wanted to get away from using the U.S. dollar for global trade. They’re due to discuss launching a common BRICS currency at a summit this summer…

Foreign Policy says: “this hypothetical currency actually has the potential to usurp, or at least shake, the dollar’s place on the throne”; “on the scale of GDP, [BRICS] now collectively outweigh not only… the United States, but the entire G7 weight class put together.”

The right opportunity in Brazil can be a serious winner.

Invest… And Live

And let me add: Brazil is also just a cool place to spend time.

Great weather… the beach lifestyle… rainforest adventures… some truly amazing cities…

It’s a country that respects freedom. It was more open than many parts of the States during COVID, for example.

There’s a strong pro-business culture. But at the same time, less of a focus on the “rat race”—Brazilians want a balance between their work life and enjoying life…

You can experience an incredible lifestyle here for much less than you’d pay in the States or parts of Europe—especially in the north of Brazil.

Enjoy luxuries like a massage for a fraction the cost of back home…

The people are friendly, open, and welcoming… the people might be Brazil’s greatest asset.

Brazil welcomes foreign real estate investors

Invest 1 million Brazilian reals (US$197,000) in property in Brazil, or just 700,000 reals (US$138,000) in the northern and northeastern states, and you can qualify for the Real Estate Investor Visa. This visa is valid for four years, and renewable after that.

Your Exclusive Deal—A US$12,000 Discount

If you’re interested in a pure investment play, you can stake a claim in Brazil for even less.

In fact, I’ve negotiated an incredible deal for my readers…

Nestled along the northeastern coast… in a place which ranked among “The Top 10 Trending Global Destinations For 2022 & 2023”… right next to a pristine, soft-sand beach… You can purchase your own one-bedroom, standalone bungalow for US$89k.

The deal I’ve secured requires payments so low you could actually put them on your credit card if you wanted…

But here’s the kicker…

Choose to pay cash, and you’ll get a massive US$12,000 discount—bringing the price down to just US$77,000.

Purchase two units at this price point—bringing your total investment to US$154,000—and you’ll qualify for the Real Estate Investor Visa and get your Brazilian residency. The team have an immigration lawyer on hand to help you with everything you need…

With only a limited number of bungalows available at this price, however—if you’re interested, you need to click here now for full details.

What’s more, I’ve received word that the price is set to increase on Monday, July 17. So, there’s no time to delay.

This particular project puts us right on the “money spot” of the Path of Progress barreling down from Fortaleza—which has already turned empty parcels of land into a tourist hot spot…

A map of Brazil and the Ceara state
The Path of Progress is heading right down Ceará
on the northeastern coast of Brazil…

This is the second-most visited destination in South America, attracting over 6 million tourists pre-pandemic…

Post-pandemic, this coastline saw the highest increase in tourist activity in the country, already up 109% by early 2022. And in a recent survey, the area was chosen as the most coveted destination by Brazilians for future trips to the beaches.

Add it all up, and we’re looking at the opportunity to profit from both capital appreciation and regular cash flow.

And stake our claim in one of the best places in the world to invest right now…

Stay diversified,
Lief Simon
Lief Simon
Editor, Offshore Living Letter