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6 Investment Opportunities Overseas To Boost Your Cash Flow

24 Oct
tomato plants growing

6 Investment Opportunities Overseas To Boost Your Cash Flow

My 6 Favorite Cash Flow Investment Opportunities Right Now (Earn 23% In 24 Months)

If you were able to join us in Panama earlier this month for my annual Offshore Wealth Summit, it was great to spend time with you.

If you weren’t able to be in the room, I want to be sure that you don’t miss out on the real estate investment opportunities presented… including a number of important last-chances and new launches.

Here’s an overview of the specific deals I want to be sure you’re aware of:

#1: Last Chance For Mangos, Avocados, And Limes In Panama

The Panama fruit tree plantations that we’ve been working with for the last six years took this month’s Offshore Wealth Summit as the opportunity to announce that they are closing out all three currently available plantations.

This has been the most successful real estate investment opportunity of our history. Thousands of your fellow readers have invested, and right now is your last chance to get in.

At the conference, the developer detailed remaining inventory. Specifically, 37 hectares of avocados, 29 hectares of mangos, and 23 hectares of limes were available.

Much of that inventory was reserved during the event, but some hectares remain.

These plantations project a 30-year IRR in the 16% range with cash returns starting in year 4. This is a top opportunity for supplementing your retirement income over the long term.

Get in touch here to find out more and to get details of available inventory at this time. I believe the limes could be sold out now, but you can confirm when you get in touch.

#2: Last Chance For Truffles In Time For This Season’s Planting

January is the time to plant truffles, meaning right now, as the developer presenting at this month’s Summit explained, is the time to be investing.

This is your last chance to invest in time for your trees to be planted in the next planting season. Otherwise, planting must wait until next year.

Truffles offer high long-term cash returns with some cash starting as early as year 3 and projected to grow over time to as much as a 50% annual yield by year 15 and continuing at that level for the 30-year project life.

For more information on this last-chance truffles opportunity, get in touch here.

#3: Hard Money Loan Returns 23% In 24 Months In Panama

As middle classes expand significantly worldwide, developing for the local housing market is a great opportunity in many parts of the world right now. However, in most cases, only retail investors are able to participate.

One group in Panama has created a program that uses individual investor funds rather than bank financing. This hard money loan program offers a 23% return within 24 months and a lot in the development as collateral.

This is a straightforward short-term opportunity that has already paid out to the first round of investors, most of whom are so happy with the return that they have opted to roll over their capital for another round.

The demand for these houses is great. The developer has a list of potential buyers that is multiples of the number of houses they can build at any given time.

For more information, get in touch here.

#4: Big Discounts And Developer Financing For Pre-Construction
In Panama

Developer financing can allow you to get in on an opportunity you otherwise couldn’t afford and to leverage your return. One developer in Panama who participated in this month’s Summit offers financing on several of their projects.

Opt to pay up front in full for a pre-construction purchase, and you can enjoy a substantial price discount.

Panama continues to be one of the most competitive pre-construction rental markets in the world, and this developer is working aggressively and creatively to create programs attractive both to investors and end buyers.

For more details, get in touch here.

#5: Brand-New Tomato Hydroponics Opportunity

Hydroponics is the future for food production.

The hydroponics farm group we work with has offered two separate programs to date… both of which have sold out. These first programs focused on lettuce and fish.

This developer is now leveraging his infrastructure—both in the systems on the ground and in sales contacts he has established—to expand into a new product… tomatoes.

This new plantation is the result of both considerable R&D into the best type of tomato to grow and the requests of his current lettuce and herb clients who are hungry for tomatoes. Now that they have come to trust this farm management group as a reliable source of lettuce, they have asked them to grow tomatoes, too… hence this new opportunity.

Cash flow and yields are projected higher than for the lettuce systems, and the investment requirement is slightly more, at US$49,500.

Go here for more details.

#6: Beachfront Rental Casita Launch In Brazil

The serial developer that we’ve been working with in Brazil for four years has sold out four phases of town houses in a resort area near Fortaleza, but they aren’t stopping there.

At this month’s event, the group launched a new casita project farther down this coast. These casitas are front-line to the beach and priced at US$97,000. Rental potential is good, but at this price you should also expect good capital appreciation.

For more information, get in touch here.

Happy cash flow,

Lief Simon