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Tag: ecuador visa

19 May
Seminario Park (Iguanas Park) and Metropolitan Cathedral in Guayaquil, Ecuador

Why The Ecuador Residency Requirements Are The Easiest In The World

Important news from Ecuador… This country’s residency program just got better. Under new regulations that took effect March 10, 2022, Ecuador’s residency program qualifies as one of the best in the world… And one of the easiest paths to citizenship. Here are the highlights… Ecuador offers a temporary resident visa to start, from which you […]

07 May
Back up residency in colombia. a high rise building in colombia with new developments being built in the background

Why A Plan B Residency In Colombia Should Be Your Plan A

World's Easiest Residency? I spent the past several months working on a massive expansion of our guide to foreign residency and second citizenship. During that time I was reminded why Colombia continues to stand out among the competition whenever backup residency alternatives are discussed. Colleague Lee Harrison has long insisted that Colombia be at the top [...]