Welcome to Offshore Living Letter, Your #1 Resource for Offshore Diversification

How To Earn $208,200 A Year Tax-Free

How To Live Tax Free Overseas

 Finally: Regular Folks Can Now Access The Wealth Building And Protection Strategies Of The Rich And Famous…

Millionaires and politicians have known the benefits of building and preserving wealth overseas for centuries.

Spurred by greed, necessity, or just plain resourcefulness, international strategies have protected earnings from frivolous lawsuits, onerous tax regimes, and currency devaluations.

The good news is that, thanks to the proliferation of the internet and other modern technologies, you no longer need to be wealthy in order to take advantages of offshore strategies.

How To Live Tax Free Report

And with the current batch of inept politicians and runaway budget deficits, it’s now more important before than ever before in our history to protect our savings and investment nest eggs.

Lief Simon has spent the past 20 years figuring out how to internationalize his life and diversify his assets, his business ventures, and his investments.

Lief has two brand-new reports to help get you started!

  • How To Earn $208,200 A Year Tax-Free
  • The Last Tax Loopholes: Two Assets The IRS Doesn’t Care About (Yet)

These reports showcase and explain—in simple language—how to take advantage of the most important legal tools in an expats tax toolbox.

Best of all, both reports are absolutely free.

Simply enter your email address in the form below and you’ll receive both reports in your email inbox within minutes… absolutely FREE!

Submit your email for your free report and as a special bonus, you’ll also receive our highly-touted,
Offshore Living Letter.